MMDG News: Highlights from the 2021-22 Season tour + upcoming shows

MMDG News: Highlights from the 2021-22 Season tour + upcoming shows

Our 2021-22 Season Continues

The tour is in full swing this month, with performances in Sarasota, Albany, and at home in Brooklyn
March 4-7, 2022
FSU Center for the Performing Arts
(Sarasota, FL)
Words, Jenn and Spencer, Gloria
March 11, 2022
The Egg
(Albany, NY)
Words, Jenn and Spencer, Gloria
March 24-27, 2022
BAM (Brooklyn Academy of Music)
(Brooklyn, NY)
L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato
PhotosWords (Nan Melville), Jenn and Spencer (Christopher Duggan), L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato (David Leyes)
Stay tuned for L’Allegro Week: March 19-26, 2022
A week of activities to celebrate the return of L’Allegro, il Penseroso ed il Moderato at BAM, featuring in-person and virtual events, dance classes, multimedia exhibitions, and more.Plus, don’t miss our Physically Integrated L’Allegro Repertory Workshop next week. Details below.

MMDG making headlines

Recent articles about Mark Morris and the Dance Group 

The Washington Post
Mark Morris gets real with Pulitzer Prize winner Sarah L. Kaufman about what it means to be a working artist in the wake of the pandemic.

Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Sarasota Ballet Director Ian Webb gushes over MMDG’s upcoming premiere at their venue, and MMDG Company Director Sam Black discusses the Dance Group, and working with Mark Morris repertory.

The Daily Iowan
Hancher Auditorium Executive Director Chuck Swanson and Mark Morris discuss MMDG’s return to Iowa City to perform Pepperland.