Subsidized Rehearsal Space Program

Subsidized Rehearsal Space Program

For Independent Dance Artists and Companies

The Mark Morris Dance Group’s (MMDG) Subsidized Rehearsal Space Program (SRSP) aims to reduce barriers to accessing high-quality rehearsal space for independent dance artists and companies based in New York City. MMDG receives funding that allows us to reduce the hourly rental fee for dance rehearsal space to $10-$20. 

This program is core to our mission. Since opening the Dance Center, MMDG has provided subsidized rehearsal space to dance artists and companies. 

Accessing this rate is simple- no application required. Qualifying artists will be automatically offered the rate. 

General Access

Priority Access

If you are not an independent dance artist or company, learn more about our discounted rehearsal rates for non-profit organizations.


General Access Renter

Qualifying artists/companies will have access to:

      • All bookings have a 2-hour minimum. 
          • Up to 100 hours of rehearsal space per calendar year at $10-$20/hr, which can be booked up to one and a half months in advance.
            • On the 15th of each month, 170 hours of $10/hour space + Unlimited hours of $20/hour space will become available for the following month. 
        • For example, requests for the month of June will open on May 15th

Priority Access Renter 

In response to feedback from our Dance Center community, the Priority Access band of the program will focus on engaging and supporting BIPOC artists and companies in CY2024. 

As part of our commitment to undoing systemic racism in the dance community, we acknowledge our own privilege around access to space and resources and are committed to prioritizing and sharing these with BIPOC artists. 


Qualifying artists/companies will have access to:

  • Rehearsal space for $10/hr, which can be booked up to THREE months in advance.
    • Additional months will open on the 1st of each month.
    • All bookings have a 2-hour minimum. 
  • Up to 100 hours per calendar year of priority access to space.
  • $2 off discount to drop-in classes for all dance rehearsal participants the day of your rehearsal
  • Access to free, ongoing professional development training and performance opportunities

To qualify, you will need to be:

  • A dance artist/company who identifies as BIPOC
  • An independent dance artist/company with a budget under $1 million
  • Previously publicly presented
    • Examples: You have been contracted by a presenting organization for a performance of your work, you have self-produced your work for a public audience. (Outdoor performances qualify.) 

Application Timeline

  • Oct 1                  Priority Access Application opens
  • Dec 1                 Priority Access Application closes
  • Dec 10                  Participants are notified of acceptance and can begin booking space
  • Jan 3                   Priority Access Cohort begins
  • Jan 3                 Space for Rehearsal Renters opens

Please Note: Only those who meet the qualifications listed above will be considered. We are able to accept 15 Priority Access Renters in our first term. Should we receive more than 15 applicants, we will draw 15 from the qualified applicants lottery style.


Tag us in your rehearsal photos and videos from the Dance Center!

Instagramr: @markmorrisdancecenter_

Facebook: @markmorrisdancecenter

#rehearsalspaceprogram #markmorrisdancecenter

Please mention us in your program!

“This piece was created/rehearsed through access to subsidized rehearsal space at the Mark Morris Dance Center.”

This program is supported in part through Dance/NYC’s New York City Dance Rehearsal Space Subsidy Program, made possible by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, as well as through the Marta Heflin Foundation, Friends of MMDG, and by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council, and the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Lieutenant Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature.

If you are not a dance artist, please inquire about our discounted rehearsal rates for non-profit organizations.


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