James Kennerley
JAMES KENNERLEY, lauded as an “excellent, true-toned tenor” by New Yorker critic Alex Ross, is a multi-faceted musician, working equally as a conductor, keyboard player, and singer. As a member of the acclaimed Sonnambula early music consort he will be artist in residence at the Metropolitan Museum of Art for the 2018-19 season. He has performed with and directed many groups, including the Tallis Scholars, the Mark Morris Dance Group, and the Choir and Orchestra of Trinity Church, Wall Street. Hailed as “a great organist” displaying “phenomenal technique and sheer musicality” (Bloomberg News), Kennerley is Artistic Director of Ars Musica Chorale, Municipal Organist for the city of Portland, Maine, and Organist & Choirmaster at Saint Ignatius of Antioch Episcopal church, where he directs the professional choir and coordinates the church’s extensive concert series.