Student Company
The Student Company of The School at the Mark Morris Dance Center exemplifies the progressive, comprehensive, and musically-driven approach of Mark Morris’s work. The Student Company focuses on modern dance training, prioritizing the experience of performing works of influential choreographers in the field, while utilizing understandings of other dance techniques to support diverse approaches to performance quality. The year culminates in public performances at the Mark Morris Dance Center.
Student Company I & II dancers are advanced students (ages 10-18) and selected by audition each Fall. Auditionees must be present in-person at the audition, and there are no audition makeups. We will not consider video auditions.
Dancers are required to participate in two weekly classes (modern and one other dance technique offered by The School at the Mark Morris Dance Center) September to June. Weekly Student Company modern classes will take place adjacent to weekly rehearsals. Performance opportunities will take place throughout the year. Students choosing to commit to the Student Company are not permitted to miss more than three classes/rehearsals per semester.
Auditions for the 2024-2025 Academic Year will be held on September 9, 2024 between 4 – 6 pm. Students who are planning to audition for either Student Company I or Student Company II should complete the audition application form by clicking HERE.
AUDITION FORMAT: Dancers will be led through a brief warm-up followed by students learning and demonstrating a short phrase of Mark Morris repertory. Dancers should wear tights or leggings and a leotard or tight-fitting top that covers their torso. Dancers will be barefoot.
FEES: Tuition for Student Company Modern technique class and one additional technique class of the dancer’s choice in The School at the Mark Morris Dance Center PLUS a one-time flat fee of $450 to support the cost of rehearsal, master classes, guest artists, performances, and costumes. Please visit the tuition page for more information on the cost of a technique class.
Must be a minimum 13 years of age and have 5 years of formal dance training.
Required Classes:
- Student Company I Modern: Saturdays, 11:30 – 12:30 pm
- Student Company I Rehearsal: Saturdays, 12:30 – 3:00 pm
- Other technique class of appropriate level
Must be a minimum 10 years of age and have 3 years of formal dance training.
Required Classes
- Student Company II Modern: Fridays, 4:15-5:15 pm
- Student Company II Rehearsal: Fridays, 5:15-7:00 pm
- Other technique class of appropriate level
Media Gallery
- images

Image description: Teenage dance students are dressed in grey and black dresses. Both of their arms are raised, and their bodies are leaning to the side. They are standing in front of a blue background.
Photo by Amber Star Merkens.

Image descriptions: One teenage dance student is standing in the center in front of a blue background. In front of the standing dancer, a group of teenage dance students are sitting in a side-seated position on a stage with one of their arms reaching to the side. They are wearing grey and black dresses.
Photo by Amber Star Merkens.

Image description: A group of teenage dancers are standing in a circle on a stage with their bodies in various shapes. They are dressed in dark green, blue, and purple.
Photo by Chris Setter.