Fargana Qasimova
Fargana Qasimova, Alim Qasimov's daughter and protégée, is an accomplished mugham singer. Her father has been the major influence in her life and career. Qasimova grew up with sounds of mugham and verses from the classical poetry of Azerbaijan and from the age of four, often performed along with her father at home and first joined him on tour at the age of sixteen. She studied mugham at the Azerbaijan National Conservatory (1996-2000) and performs frequently with Qasimov both in Azerbaijan and internationally and has earned recognition as a master of mugham. In 1999, Love's Deep Ocean, a CD featuring Qasimov and Qasimova, was released by Network Medien in Frankfurt, Germany. In 2002 at the Women's Voices Festival in Belgium, Qasimova made her first appearance as a soloist. She has performed with the Silk Road Ensemble and has been featured in the 53-minute-long documentary Meditation Day, produced in Belgium in 2006.